Sunday, June 9, 2013


Okay, so I'm sixteen years old and have been wanting to do this surgery for a while now.Before you ask, No, this is not my first surgery. This will actaully be number 12. Here's a brief backgroud of my medical history. I was born with a tissue disorder called stickler syndrome. I have had 4 major cleft palate surgeries because of this syndrome along with many other surgeries for various other things. Sticklers has given my impaired hearing and vision, joint problems, and a very different cranial facial anatomy. My face is very flat, making my eyes look large. My nose is very small and still has a baby nose shape. My chin is very recessed (even though my face is already rediculously flat).
Okay, now that I'm through with my brief medical background, I'll actually talk about the surgery I'm having done at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning at Medical City Children's Hospital in Dallas with Dr. Craig Hobar. I hope to make my nose larger and more normal looking by lengthening it with a rib graft. This should help some with breathing through my small nose and air way. I'm getting the cheek/uner-the-eyes implants to help protect my eyes (which have a high risk for retinal detatchments). And the ''chin implants'' will actually bring my chin forward, giving my tounge more room for bettering my speech. All three of these will help my face look less flat too.
I went to my pre-op today and was a nervous reck. I was nervous about the blood work and anticipating the surgery all together. Even now, I'm anxiously awaiting the call from my anesthesiologist about whether or not they will put my IV in before or after I'm asleep. It is a children's hospital, so I'm sure it'll be after I'm asleep. But, you never know. Other than that, I'm honestly not too nervous right now. My previous surgeries were all really serious medical procedures. This one is mainly cosmetic and I cannot wait to see the results. I'll be in ICU tomorrow ( after 6 hours of surgery time), so I'm not sure if I'll be up to blogging about how I'm feeling that day. Hopefully I'll feel up too it. Well, I'm getting ready to go buy some DVDs for my recovery room. Hope all goes well tomorrow.
Here is a picture of my face before!

June 9 2013 Update:
Okay, Done with surgery after almost a year later now. All swelling is gone by this point, and i'm just going to post before and after pictures. If anyone has question about their own upcoming surgery, don't hesitate to ask!
                                              After photo taken a couple weeks after surgery



  1. It’s almost been 3 months after your supposed surgery, how was it? I hope you did take some time to rest and that you follow a balanced diet as it will help your recover faster. I hope you’re happy with how your surgery went. Also, I hope you update us again about it! :)

    Judith Arends

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